How do Women Feel After an Abortion?

Most women feel relieved after undergoing an abortion procedure while some feel tensed. Research has shown that more than 70% of women feel relieved and stress-free after a an abortion procedure. Pregnancy termination has also happened save some women from going to depression like issues. Safe Abortion Rx team conversed with a few of its abortion pill users to understand how they felt after the whole process. Here’s what we found.

How do women feel after an abortion procedure:

Rizza Lopez:

Mifepristone and Misoprostol (Cytotec) in the Philippines or even the abortion cost in the Philippines was too high and I couldn’t afford a surgical abortion. We decided to buy abortion pill online because it offered safe but cheaper abortion options. We even received free abortion information online and understood the process thoroughly. After consulting our doctor, we finally bought pills and I took them at home. First thing first I was relieved to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Secondly, I was happy that I could end it without spending a hefty amount on clinic visits and expensive surgeries.

Abby Sy:

We already have two kids (who fight a lot). My elder feels that I pay attention to my other son which is absolutely not true. I did not want a third child to make this more complex and difficult for me to handle. When I was undergoing an abortion, both my sons came to me and took care of me. Seeing their mother going through a painful situation brought them together. For me, the abortion procedure was a very different feeling that I cannot express in words. I feel I got both my sons though I may have lost the opportunity to have another one.

Jovel Austria:

It was 4 years back. I was god damn nervous when I decided to abort my 7 weeks pregnancy using abortion pill online. Though I was 25 years old and my partner was ready to get married for this pregnancy, I felt something wrong. I was not ready for sudden responsibilities as I was still working on my research papers. Thankfully my partner understood my feelings and we decided to wait a little longer and abort the pregnancy this time. I will not lie, I did feel guilty about ending the pregnancy, however, the good part was that I could complete my research papers. We got married 2 years later. I am pregnant again and happier than ever before. I believe feeling sad and guilty of abortion is just a phase and you soon pass it with time.


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